Not new to horses, not new to competing, not new to traveling hundreds of miles with horses in tow and my girls by my side. No, I am new to blogging, to setting up a web page, to running a horse show series, to helping plan local horse events that our community will find fun, affordable and worth their time.

I feel the need to introduce myself. My name is Erin, I am 32 years old, married and live in Idaho. I am a full time nurse, though I mostly do administrative/ executive duties at this point. Horses are my hobby, my side gig, my passion. I compete in 3 day Eventing with my two off the track thoroughbreds in the Pacific Northwest Area VII region. #OTTB #Exracehorses

Justin is my 13 year old OTTB or as my friend would call him “Land Shark”. He came with a bit of a nibbling problem from the track and though it has gotten much better he will still nip when the opportunity arises. I have competed him through preliminary level and we have our eyes set on our first 1* this year. (Fingers Crossed) #Justintime

Jones is a 5 year old OTTB that I purchased as a 3 year old. Last year during his 4 year old year he competed in the Young Event Horse program and we completed our first Beginner Novice 3 day Long Format. I am excited for what the future holds for us but for right now I am just enjoying my time learning and growing with him. #jonseyboy

This winter I had the opportunity to take over running a local Jumper Show Series. We have 5 shows November through March. We just finished with our 3rd show of the series and I feel like this has been an amazing learning opportunity. This has also opened new doors for me to be a part in helping hold other events in my area. When I first moved to Idaho from Virginia in 2007 I came from one of the eventing mecca’s of the country. There was not much English to do in the Treasure Valley let alone eventing. Now the local event calendar is so full you can almost participate in Jumping, Dressage or Eventing every weekend for 4 months straight and I am proud to say that I am a part of helping with several of these events. #Northwind_wjs

I couldn’t do any of the above with out my amazing support system. They are not all pictured above but they are all the reason I am able to keep up this busy life.
If you have made it this far thank you for reading. I hope to write occasionally about things I have learned or experiences I have had that maybe interesting or helpful to others.
#eventerlife #horsecrew